About Me, Chris Pyak
Until recently I had a good business, meaningful work and the respect of my peers.
But after 13 years of doing the exact same thing over and over again:
Life lost its flavour.
Maybe you can relate to this:
I didn’t enjoy my life anymore. I found myself standing in the kitchen washing the dishes and asking myself: “Didn’t I just do this? Or was that yesterday?”
All days felt the same to me.
I knew what I did not want – but I didn’t know what I did want.
I needed change.

And then an unexpected opportunity presented itself:
A former coaching client called me up and asked my advice on how he could become my direct competition.
And I smiled.
Because at that moment I knew exactly what I had to do.
I sold my business and moved to Spain.
Best decision of my life. (Well, besides getting married many years ago.)
Suddenly all my doubts, all my frustration had disappeared:
I had purpose in life again.

The BBC quotes as an expert on career change.
Let Me Introduce Myself
Hello, my name is Chris Pyak and I am a writer, a strategy advisor and an expert in international career change. I lived in seven different countries and worked in five cultures.
Over the last 13 years I have helped over 300 professionals from all over the world to find their next job in Germany.
My work has been quoted by every newspaper, radio or TV station in my home country.
German quality media like Manager Magazin, Spiegel or Wirtschaftswoche interview me and Handelsblatt, Frankfurter Rundschau und “Zeit Online” ask me to write editorials for them.
(Since you might never have heard of these newspapers and magazines: They are the German equivalent of The Wall Street Journal or The Economist.)
Internationally media outlets like the BBC, Euronews or Le Monde quote me on the topic of immigration and international recruitment.
Over a long career I helped more than 300 people to successfully make major changes in their lives – and make a fresh start in a foreign country. ( I also write fiction as a hobby, but that’s a different topic.)
Chris Pyak on German TV show “Panorama”, the most respected political show in German TV.
All this is a fancy way of saying something very simple:
TL: TR: I am really, really good at helping people make their dreams come true.
If you want to change your life – then I am here to help you.
And you know where it all starts?
By knowing what you really care about in life.
I let you into a little secret:
You have heard people talk about “common sense”.
Well, common sense is a real thing. But people use it at the wrong place.
Common sense tells you how to reach a goal.
Common sense does not tell you which goal you want.
That’s a matter of your heart.
Now, do you want most of the uncertainty and the doubts in your life to disappear?
Instantly and forever?
For many years I used a very simple quiz in my coaching sessions. This simple excercise helps you to gain clarity about your goals in life.
I worked with a talented programmer – and now you can take my quiz online – free of charge!
This is what my quiz will do for you – free of charge:
In just 3 minutes you will know exactly what to choose – in the majority of all decisions in your life.
Because you will know your core values.
And every time you will hear about a new proposal or you have to make a new choice you will instantly understand: “Is this moving me closer or further away from my true goals in life?”
No doubts. No uncertainty.
Sounds good? 🙂