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Take One Quiz to Change Your Life

Discover what really drives your life by identifying your core values. Gain focus, remove doubts and find your purpose– in just 3 minutes!

NOTE: Trouble taking the quiz? Watch my step-by-step video below!

Why Does This Work?

Read here WHY this quiz is so effective that it has been used for more than 30 years!

The rational part of our brain can tell us how we get what we want. It does not tell us why we want something.

What we want is a matter of the heart(Or rather: The wiring of the limbic system in our brain.)

That’s why you can spent hours thinking rationally about what you should want – and get no valid answer.

The alternative is much faster:

You listen to your gut feeling. Because you do know what you want.

Your heart doesn’t lie.

Isolate your hearts voice from all the noise of the outside world – and within minutes you know your answer:

“This is what I truly care about.”

How Does This Work?

Read here HOW the quiz achieves results
  • The quiz you are about to take, is a well-established exercise in coaching and therapy. It has been used for decades – because it’s simple and effective.
  • The quiz is designed to give your heart a voice – and block out all disturbances.
  • We achieve this by giving you time pressure.
  • And we make you choose. “This or that – what do you care more about?”
  • If you have to decide quickly, then you listen to your gut – and to what your heart really wants.

How Do I Play The Quiz?

NOTE: Watch my “step-by-step” video if you have trouble taking the quiz!

Read this “step-by-step” walkthrough before you take the quiz!
  1. First, I give you a list of values that people hold dear. For example “Success“, “Empathy”, “Security”, “Authenticity” – these are all values.

    – There are roughly 60 values – because people have a wide range of needs and wishes.
    – Read through the list ones. Just so that you have an idea of what to expect.

2. Then, you start the quiz.

– There are four steps.

– In each step you have to reduce the number of values that you care about:

– First 18 values
– Then 9 values
– Then 3 values

3. In the last step you sort the 3 “survivors” in order of importance.

– Click on the remaining 3 values in the order that you care about them.
– Most important one first, least important one last.

4. NOTE: You choose under time pressure!

– First step: 2 minutes
– Second Step 45 seconds
– Third step 15 seconds
– Last step 10 seconds

5. Note: The timer starts running as soon as you click the “Start Quiz!” button!

Congratulations! You are prepared and ready to take the quiz! 

Values: The Driving Force of Our Lives

Ready? Click Here To Start The Quiz!

(A countdown timer starts as soon as you click “Start quiz”!)

One Last Tip!

“But Chris, what if I am unsure about the meaning of a value?”

Each of us is different. Ask people what “success” means or “empathy” or “honor” – and each of us will have a slightly different definition. That’s okay.

This quiz is for you. To help you find the values that you care about. So, the only definition that matters here is yours. Whatever you think a value means – that’s what it means.

All clear? 😉